A few weeks ago, I shared my excitement: that after years of having no idea how to shoot out of auto, I was offered an opportunity to participate in an introductory class at Clickin’ Moms University. I shared photos that showed that I had no idea how to take pictures at all–there was little clarity, little care for composition, and light never played into my mind. I’m facing it; I was a point-and-shoot girl.
In just one week, I’m already noticing that I’m looking at pictures differently. The class instructor provided us with the goals of learning about light this week, as well as getting to know our camera better. And I can certainly attest, I’m learning. I took the camera out with a few models (i.e., my kids who are being bribed with lots of Disney Infinity disc packs, FroYo dates, and other small gifties) through the week and have noticed a few things:
I never ever paid attention to a composition before. In fact, earlier this week, while taking pictures at a park, I had about 15 good pictures of Little–she looked adorable! But every single picture looked like she was being stabbed in the head by a huge pole (there was a light post behind her in all of them.) Also, pictures randomly taken on the sidewalk don’t usually turn out well.
There’s more than just “take the picture with the sun to your back” because, as I quickly learned, where and how the sun hits your subject makes a huge difference. There’s so much to cover here, but after I experimented with the light this week, I’m just now starting to get it.
I learned something huge this week about my camera and focus: You can move the focus spots. And if that doesn’t make sense to you, well, get out your DSLR manual and play around. I always thought that I needed to move my camera so that the red spot (i.e., where the camera would focus) would move to be on the focus spot. What I learned this week is that I can move the camera’s spot without moving the person. You’ll notice in the slideshow (embedded in this post, if you can’t see it, it’s because you’re reading this post on a reader or email, and you need to click on the title to actually get to my webpage.) I think I’ve always taken time to think about and focus on, well, focus, but it got a whole lot more clear this week. (Yep. Pun intended.)
I handed in my assignment tonight (which means I uploaded the required shots to a private forum at CMU for my instructor and her assistants to offer feedback.) I have no idea what lessons next week will bring, but I can’t wait to see how much I can still improve, and I look forward to sharing my progress with you!
(In the slideshow, the pictures of Big in the gray t-shirt and Middle in the red t-shirt–not the reverse–are my latest and the ones I handed in tonight, they should be the first pictures you’ll see. Little’s were earlier in the week when I was just starting out. The pictures where the boys are in the opposite shirts are the park where the composition was so very wrong.)
The class I’m taking is titled First Steps with a DSLR and is a part of the Clickin Moms’ CMUniversity. The cost for my participation in this course has been waived in exchange for discussion and an advertisement on Julieverse. Obviously, my talent (wink wink) and opinions are my own.