First-time entrepreneurs face a huge number of challenges on a daily basis. You have to keep your finances under control, find new clients, and balance your personal and professional lives to keep things ticking over. But one of the biggest difficulties for small business owners is getting their heads around technology.
We live in an increasingly digital world, where it is more or less impossible to get anything done without relying on phones, computers, and the internet. And running a successful start-up is no different.
Depending on your business, you’ll need a whole range of tech. Warehouses need a Crane Collision Avoidance Sensor, personal training studios need high-tech running machines and a garage will require automatic ramps. Then there are all kinds of apps, computer programs, and pieces of hardware you need to ensure an efficient and up-to-date operation. You’ll need to build a website, manage your customer database, maintain cybersecurity, and manage your accounts. All of these processes rely on different technologies that can be quite overwhelming for a novice entrepreneur.
Over time, you will no doubt get used to all this digital wizardry. But it’s important you find ways to get to grips with your technology infrastructure as soon as possible, so you can minimize downtime and start growing your business right away.
Here are four tips to help you cope.
Read the instructions
Most software packages and other bits of kit come with instructions. For apps and computer programs, there will no doubt be extensive tutorials to walk you through each and every step. It’s important you don’t gloss over these and actually take the time to understand your new system. This will help you avoid costly mistakes and get your head around the technology as soon as possible.
Take a course
There are plenty of online courses designed to take you from a computer novice to a digital expert. Just find one that suits your ability, take the classes, and watch your technical skills improve dramatically. Whether you need to understand the intricacies of managing your books online, opening a CBD merchant account for your CBD business, or building a first-class website, there are resources available to help you succeed.
Ask for advice
Do you know any other small business owners? What about technologically-minded individuals with immense digital knowhow? It’s always good to rely on your support network of friends, family, and business colleagues. People are generally willing to share their knowledge and there’s no harm in asking. Perhaps you can return the favor by offering them assistance in your own area of expertise.
Take it slow
When getting to grips with new technology, don’t rush into things. If you do, you risk getting it wrong and making mistakes that could cause serious disruption to your business. Just take it slow, and learn how to use one system or piece of technology at a time. This will make the whole process a lot easier and reduce your risk of errors. You will probably get it wrong at some point so learn from your mistakes and don’t let them get you down. Eventually you will feel more confident with technology and will be better equipped to run a successful business. Good luck!