Although your elderly relatives might be of great importance to you, so are your children, and there are times when your kids need to take priority, especially since you are responsible for bringing them up and helping them to become the best possible people in adulthood. As such, here are some of the steps you should take if caring for your elderly relatives is affecting your parenting style and your children’s lives.
Blend Caring Duties
You might constantly feel torn between your children and your parents. To prevent being pulled in many different directions at once, you should try to blend your caring duties. You can do this by inviting your parents to the places you go with your children and to events such as school nativities. This will help you to look out for both parties at once while also developing the connection and bond that your children have with their grandparents. Not only this, but being around children can have a positive effect on your elderly relatives’ mental health.
Look for Care Homes
There comes a time when you have to know when enough is enough, though. When this time approaches, you should look around for suitable care homes for your parents. This care home should be comfortable and provide the specialist care they require for any health conditions they have. These care homes should also be nearby so that you can visit them often. Most importantly, this care home should be one that your parents have had a hand in choosing. This means you should look around for Minehead care homes as soon as possible.
Talk to Your Kids
Your kids are unlikely to understand why they are not getting as much attention as they used to if you do not sit them down and gently discuss the situation with them. Talking about the care their grandparents need might be difficult, but it will help you and your kids to be on the same page and for them to process the changes in your lifestyle and routine. You should try to discuss this in an age-appropriate manner, though, while answering any questions they have as honestly as you can.
Boost Your Parenting Skills
Parenting is a skill that is often learned over time. To ensure that you can be the best parent possible, you need to work on your problem-solving and communication skills, as well as your patience, empathy and discipline methods. When you are stressed about the duties of the sandwich generation, it can be more difficult to put these skills to action. However, utilizing these skills, you may find that you have a more comfortable and positive relationship with your children both now and in the future.
By following the steps in this guide, you might find that you are better able to face the stresses of the sandwich generation and that you are able to put your children first while ensuring that your parents are also safe and happy.