Buying a new home is a pricey thing, but once you set foot inside the door with the keys in hand, the value of the property immediately starts to drop. It’s something we have to be careful of when we’re delving into the property market; a home that’s highly priced is usually a great place to live, but the care and maintenance that goes into it will be just as high too!
That’s why it’s essential for any and all new homeowners to look into ways to increase the value longevity of the property they’ve just purchased. Whether it’s your dream home or not, it’s best to invest for the future, and that’s what we’re going to recommend here today. So, let’s work on making your home more valuable for a lot longer with these three methods.

Never Ignore a Maintenance Job
If there’s a job that needs to be done, get it done. You don’t want your home to lose value through something that was once a small repair, but seeing as you couldn’t get round to it earlier, it’s now a massive thing that requires professional aid.
This tends to be the biggest thing for impacting the value of your home, so don’t underestimate the issue here. If something has broken down, or is showing signs of breaking down, get your toolbox out within a couple of days and apply your DIY skills.
Fit a Metal Roof
A metal roof is great for retaining value over time, simply because they’re hardier than other roof types. If you have one fitted onto your home, it’ll be easier to keep it clean, keep it in shape, and keep it adding to the overall curb appeal.
Not to mention the energy efficiency that comes with the material; your home may become a lot easier to keep temperate throughout the year without breaking the bank.
If you’re worried about your new roof taking a ding, remember that repairing a metal roof isn’t really hard either. You don’t even have to do so yourself; as metal roofs have become more and more popular in recent years, roof layers have specialized in fixing and maintaining them, meaning you’ll be able to find someone with experience nearby.
Paint the Little Details
Painting the walls is a natural part of moving into a new home, and you can update the colour or shade once or twice a year if you’d like. However, if you really want to preserve the value of the property for everyone else to see, you need to focus on painting up the little details.
These include the door frame, outdoor decoration (such as ensuring a deck has been well varnished or a porch isn’t flaking), and your window panes. Keep these looking fresh and highlighted and your whole home will look the same. Attention to detail always works!
If you want your home to retain value for as long as possible, these are the elements to focus on!