Emergency Medical Care: It was one of those things that I forgot to find out ahead of time, but, luckily, all of the information was easily accessible through the front desk at our resort. The lowdown of important medical care information for your Disney World vacation:
Urgent Care
Available off property near Downtown Disney. If you’re staying on property and need a ride, they offer a free shuttle. We called at about 8:05 (they open at 8 am), and the estimated wait time was 1 hour after your shuttle arrived at their offices. Shuttle time would vary depending on when you called for pick-up and how many others called.
Emergency/911 Needs
911 will send an ambulance to take you to the nearest hospital or treat you at the property. According to Savannah at the front desk at the Boardwalk, Disney will cover your 911 fees.
On Property First Aid
Check the park map for location. At Magic Kingdom, it’s right off of Main Street before you get to the Adventureland bridge. The ladies were very kind and helpful, the facility clean (of course) and calm. (We needed Bandaids). It’s attached to the baby care area, which is amazingly equipped with everything you’ll need with the baby. Again, very clean, with deluxe changing tables, rocking chairs, play tables, and high chairs. Plus a quiet room, wipes, dipes, and about everything else you can think of for baby.
Afterhours needs
If it’s an emergency, the front desk has the ability to enter the shop in your hotel. We called down to request an OTC Medical item, and they were able to open and charge to our room. It has to be a real emergency, though. And they have to carry the item in the store.
Pharmacy needs
Should you need pharmacy items while staying at Disney, there is a Pharmacy that delivers. You can fax your prescription to them through your concierge, and it will be delivered for just a $5 fee. All costs are charged to your room, and you don’t need to be present for it to be delivered. Your order cannot be delivered to your room; you’ll need to pick it up at Bell Services or the front desk once it arrives. You can also order OTC items that they don’t have in the gift or sundries shop.
I really, really hope none of my readers will ever need to use this information while at Disney World.
Have a great trip!