Author: Colleen Oakley

Colleen Oakley is the author of BEFORE I GO, a love story (which you should not read in public if you ugly cry like she does). She's also a failed triathlete, a margarita enthusiast, and a mom to four children. Yes, FOUR. Yes, she's as shocked about this as anyone. She lives in Atlanta with her husband, the aforementioned kids, and the world's biggest lapdog. As you read this, she is most likely yawning and drinking coffee, and putting a child in timeout. Follow Colleen on Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest
There’s something so freeing about a cathartic cry. Emotions have to come bursting out sometime, and that’s when a good book comes in handy. I am so excited to share today’s book list with you, curated by Colleen Oakley, whose tearjerker Before I Go is being released in paperback today. You know those people who look all sweet and pretty when they cry? I’m not one of them. My face gets blotchy, my nose runs like Niagara Falls, and I very ungracefully honk and blubber all over the place. I’m pretty much a spectacle. That’s why, in public, I often try to stuff…